About me

Circle the Nine
Creative Co.

I have always wanted to see if I could go it alone! In 2019, exactly 6 months before Covid I decided to venture on my own! (Not the best timing) It was the craziest idea I have ever had and the smartest! For the last 3 years, I have successfully grown my business, opened two studios and partner with some pretty amazing people!

What is Circle the Nine?

The Circle Concept

None of these people work here.

It’s just me and my dog! You can call me anytime from anywhere and I can make it work. I love working with people that don’t freak out, even though we both may be internally screaming! 

Circle the Nine is your design studio and I'm here to help you along the way!

Circle the Nine Creative

Creative Problem Solving Affordable, Fun and On Time!

How CT9 Came to be!

Almost 100% of my clients are people I have worked with before. Why is that? Because we can cut through all the early relationship building and get right to work. They know I will give them a good price and I can turn it around fast. So if clients work with me because of that, “Why can’t other creatives?” So I built a network of trusted creatives, who I have worked alongside or with for years, I know their work, I know how they bill and have very clear expectations…so everyone wins, especially the client!

Clients Expectations

Working with a certain agency used to be the measurable by how companies viewed their success. Now clients, I have found are looking for a designer to help them solve a problem, quick, now and yesterday. It’s volume of content and that can be hard for many places to comprehend and plan for. I’ve done it for ten+ years, and I can help now!

Working Together!

I can work on retainer or by project. I like to start by the hour and get an idea of how much you need my help and then if you need monthly help, we can have a pretty good baseline of how much of a retainer will be needed. 

Let's Grab lunch!

I’d like to hear your problems, concerns and even success stories! We’ll work together to identify areas to attack, look at the obstacles and then we can come up with a creative action plan TOGETHER!